My child has poor handwriting.
Noosa Tutoring Centre offers a program to help with handwriting.
Go to the Programs section of this website and select Handwriting for more information or call Noosa Tutoring Centre.
My child has poor study skills for Senior School.
Noosa Tutoring Centre offers specific programs to help with senior school.
Go to the Programs section of this website and click on senior school or call Noosa Tutoring Centre to arrange an appointment.
My child can’t write essays.
Noosa Tutoring Centre offers a specific Essay writing program.
Go to the Programs section and click on Essay writing for more information or contact Noosa Tutoring Centre to make an appointment.
Transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7
A Transition program for Year 6 to Year 7 has been developed specifically for students entering the next phase of schooling from primary to high school.
Go to the Programs section of this website and view the Year 6 Student transition program option.
Or call Noosa Tutoring Centre for an appointment.
My child has poor Maths skills.
Noosa Tutoring Centre offers a program to help.
Go to the Programs section and click on Mathematics Specific or go to Forms and download the Maths Tutoring pdf.
Why can’t my child comprehend?
Why can’t my child spell?
Many children have problems with spelling and Noosa Tutoring Centre have programs to help.
The program is designed to improve visual memory and focuses on stretching the visual memory. In structured steps a focus on visual memory teaches children to look at words in a new way, thus helping reading and spelling.
Go to the Programs section and click on Spelling or call Noosa Tutoring Centre for more information.
Why can’t my child read?
Children are Visual or Auditory learners. This can be identified through a diagnostic assessment, allowing a qualified teacher to write an individualised program for your child.
Additional information on reading problems can be downloaded from the Forms section of this website; Keys to Reading pdf.
Call Noosa Tutoring Centre for an appointment or contact us via our website contact form.
Is my child ready for School?
Prep 4 Prep is a specialised program for ensuring your child is ready for school.
Go to the Programs section of this website and click on Prep 4 Prep for information about this program.